Kindly take note that our wine list will be presented in the Italian language. Should you not possess an extensive knowledge of Italian wine varietals, our Sommelier would be delighted to offer you guidance and recommendations
What distinguishes our cellar is the meticulous selection.
A good meal transforms into an excellent one when well accompanied, and with this purpose in mind, we have curated our wine cellar. In harmony with our exploration of local, distinctly Sicilian flavors, the selected labels contribute to our narrative of ‘Sicilianity,’ featuring a significant presence of Etna wines and those from the entire island in the extensive array we offer.

Our dedication to wine takes on many facets – and aspects. An indispensable member of our culinary team, our
sommelier Giovanni Guglielmino
stands as a cornerstone for our guests. With his extensive knowledge of wines and the labels in our cellar, he will expertly recommend the finest glass or bottle to complement each course.
In close collaboration with local producers, remarkable initiatives spring forth, such as the MeCook seasons, Vignaioli evenings in the city, Undiscovered Etna, and many other events that see the doors of our cellar open to the city, sharing its treasures in precious moments of conviviality.